The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
697 lines
/* */
/* ng_split - splits Norton Guides database into components */
/* */
/* */
/* ng_split, Copyright (C) 1988, by John C. Gordon */
/* Norton Guides Splitter, 12 August 1988, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */
/* */
/* This program is meant for those of us who bought the Norton */
/* Guides and were disappointed by the fact that we couldn't */
/* modify the databases provided for our own purposes (by making */
/* the fatal assumption that "customizing the Guides" included */
/* the ability to customize the published databases). */
/* */
/* I have been able to take the databases provided in the Guides, */
/* "un-compile" (split) them into their component parts, and */
/* then re-compile them back into a database using the NGC and */
/* NGML utilities provided with the Guides. The resulting */
/* database is identical to the original using DOS 'comp' */
/* (except for a six-character difference in the Microsoft C */
/* database, which does not affect execution). */
/* */
/* I have tested this program on the Norton Guides for Turbo C */
/* Microsoft C. Others have tested it on the other published */
/* databases and some public domain ones. If you find that it */
/* does not work for some database, I will be glad to look at */
/* the code to see if I can get it to work. I will need a copy */
/* of the database file, however (only for debugging - the */
/* disk(s) will be returned with a copy of the new program). */
/* */
/* There are some funny file formats possible which NG_SPLIT */
/* doesn't handle right now. They will be corrected in V2.0 in */
/* a couple of months. They do not appear in any of Norton's */
/* databases (as far as I know), but they can be created by the */
/* NG software. Please send me a copy of anything that NG_SPLIT */
/* can't handle, so I can make sure that everything is covered. */
/* Included in V2 or V3 will be a utility to re-write the funny */
/* source code into something more reasonable, since usually the */
/* strange formats mess up the operation of the grey + key. */
/* */
/* If you like this program and would like to see more like */
/* it, please contribute whatever you think this program is */
/* worth to you (recommended $5 or $10). Thank you. */
/* */
/* John C. Gordon */
/* Post Office Box 25107 */
/* Alexandria, VA 22313-5107 */
/* */
/* Home phone : (703) 528-2205 */
/* */
/* */
/* ng_split Version 1.2 12 August 1988 */
/* */
/* Purpose: Split a Norton Guides .ng database into */
/* its original component source files */
/* */
/* Syntax: ng_split db_name */
/* Where: 'db_name' = the name of the Norton Guides */
/* database (with or without the .ng suffix) */
/* */
/* Restrictions: 1) The NG database must be located in your */
/* current working directory. */
/* 2) The database must not be "active" when */
/* you run ng_split. You must either */
/* uninstall the Guides or copy the database */
/* to a different (work) directory first. */
/* 3) Due to the intensive character I/O, you */
/* should run from your RAMdisk, if possible. */
/* */
/* Remarks: ng_split will create several files in your */
/* current working directory : */
/* */
/* 'db_name': the menu link control file */
/* 'db_name'.bat: a batch file containing the commands */
/* to re-create the database */
/* 'dbxx'_000: the individual source data files are */
/* named 'dbxx'_000 through 'dbxx'_999, depending */
/* on how many files are needed. Note : 'dbxx' */
/* is the first four characters of 'db_name'. */
/* temp: a temporary file which is deleted on exit */
/* */
/* For example : if you are splitting the Turbo C database tc.ng, */
/* you would use the command: ng_split tc */
/* which would create files: tc */
/* tc.bat */
/* tc_000 through tc_011 */
/* temp (deleted) */
/* */
/* Change history: */
/* V 1.0 - 17 June 88 - original program */
/* V 1.1 - 18 July 88 - allow databases with names longer */
/* than six characters or with more than */
/* 26 source files and update docs */
/* V 1.2 - 12 August 88 - fix bug with !short with no data */
/* following it and !file. also added */
/* status lines and better error messages */
/* */
/* */
/* Hints on interpreting error messages : */
/* */
/* In general, all error messages indicate that NG_SPLIT was */
/* unable to successfully split your database. In those cases, */
/* I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy of the */
/* database, so I can correct the program. There are two error */
/* messages, however, which I can do nothing about : */
/* */
/* Write error - possibly out of disk space */
/* - this indicates that either you are out of space */
/* OR your directory cannot hold any more files. */
/* */
/* WARNING - Database error */
/* - this one comes up if there is an error in the */
/* database itself. It occurs when it is trying to */
/* locate a !seealso segment and the database contains */
/* an illegal address. You can verify this by looking */
/* at the output file which contains the error and */
/* searching for the string : _???.ngo: */
/* Make note of the name of the faulty !seealso clause */
/* ( the name in quotes after the colon ) and the name */
/* of the !short section which contains it ( backward */
/* search for !short: ). Next, look at the menu link */
/* control file ( same name as the database, but without */
/* the .ng suffix ) and look for the name of the output */
/* file which contained the error. Make note of the */
/* menu heading and the menu item which corresponds to */
/* that file. Now, bring up the database and find the */
/* menu heading and menu item. Then, look up the name */
/* of the !short item you located before. You will */
/* notice that it has a !seealso item with the faulty */
/* clause name. If you try to select that !seealso */
/* clause, nothing will happen. I don't know why this */
/* happens and have only seen it happen in one database */
/* If I get several different databases with this */
/* problem, I may be able to find a pattern and find a */
/* way to correct the database and the source files. */
/* */
/* Of course, the above instructions to verify the */
/* database error are a little more complicated if the */
/* error is in a !file instead of a !short called from */
/* the menu, but its the same principle - its just a */
/* little more work to find out which !short the error */
/* is in. */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
/* GLOBAL VARIABLES - declared globally so functions below can get */
/* to them without making them parameters */
long i; /* character count */
FILE *in; /* input stream to get characters from */
char name_long[9]; /* incoming file name stub */
char temp_name[9]; /* temp area for make_fn to return filename into */
char *make_fn (fnum) /* creates temp_name from name_long & fnum */
int fnum;
char j_str[4];
int j;
strcpy (temp_name, name_long);
j = strlen (temp_name); if (j > 4) j = 4;
temp_name[j] = '_'; temp_name[j+1] = '\0';
if (fnum < 0) strcat (temp_name, "???");
if (fnum <= 9) strcat (temp_name, "00");
else if (fnum <= 99) strcat (temp_name, "0");
itoa (fnum, j_str, 10);
strcat (temp_name, j_str);
return (temp_name);
get_n (n) /* get <n> characters */
int n;
while (n-- > 0) { getc (in); i++; }
get_cvt () /* get one decoded (XOR 26) character */
int n;
n = getc (in); i++;
if ((n % 32) >= 16) n = n - 16; else n = n + 16;
if ((n % 16) >= 8) n = n - 8; else n = n + 8;
if ((n % 4) >= 2) n = n - 2; else n = n + 2;
return (n);
get_2num () /* get decoded two-byte integer */
int n;
n = get_cvt () + (get_cvt () * 256);
return (n);
long get_4addr () /* get decoded four-byte address */
long n;
n = (long) get_cvt ();
n += ((long) get_cvt () * 256L);
n += ((long) get_cvt () * 256L * 256L);
n += ((long) get_cvt () * 256L * 256L * 256L);
return (n);
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int n, pn, j, name_out_j, ct, items, z, addr_ct, cp, zz_ct;
int errno, zlen, tlen, see_ct, m, m1, m2, temp_file, temp_ch;
int save_ch, orig_addr_ct, addr_ct_z, zz_ct_i;
int zc[500];
long addr[500], seealso[500], zz[500];
char name_in[13], name_out[13], name_bat[13];
FILE *out, *bat, *temp;
/* print credits */
printf ("\nNG_SPLIT, Copyright (C) 1988, by John C. Gordon\n");
printf ("Norton Guides Database Splitter, 12 August 1988, ");
printf ("ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n");
/* check to see if database name was passed in */
if (argc < 2)
{ printf ("You must supply a database name !\n"); exit (1); }
/* set up file names */
j = 0;
while (*argv[1] != '\0' && *argv[1] != '.')
name_long [j++] = *argv[1]++;
name_long [j] = '\0';
strcpy (name_in, name_long); strcat (name_in, ".ng");
strcpy (name_bat, name_long); strcat (name_bat, ".bat");
strcpy (name_out, name_long); name_out_j = 0;
if ((in = fopen (name_in, "rb")) == NULL)
{ printf ("cannot read '%s'\n", name_in); goto close; }
if ((bat = fopen (name_bat, "wb")) == NULL)
{ printf ("cannot write to '%s'\n", name_bat); goto close; }
if ((out = fopen (name_out, "wb")) == NULL)
{ printf ("cannot write to '%s'\n", name_out); goto close; }
/* load all addresses */
rewind (in);
addr_ct = 0;
get_n (378);
i = 377;
n = get_cvt ();
while (n == 2)
get_n (3);
items = get_2num ();
get_n (20);
for (ct = 1; ct < items; ct++) addr[addr_ct++] = get_4addr ();
get_n (items * 8);
n = get_cvt ();
while (n != 0) n = get_cvt ();
for (ct = 1; ct < items; ct++)
n = get_cvt ();
while (n != 0) n = get_cvt ();
get_n (1);
n = get_cvt ();
/* now we have the "normal" addr[]s - get the additional ones */
if (i != addr[0]) { errno = 1; goto error; }
printf (" detected %3d original source files\n", addr_ct);
printf (" ... searching for additional files\n");
orig_addr_ct = addr_ct;
addr[addr_ct] = (long) filelength (fileno (in));
for (z = 1; z <= addr_ct; z++)
temp_file = 0;
while (i < addr[z] && !feof (in))
if (n == 0)
get_n (1);
tlen = get_2num ();
zlen = get_2num ();
get_n (20);
for (zz_ct = 0; zz_ct < zlen; zz_ct++)
{ get_n (2); zz[zz_ct] = get_4addr (); }
n = get_cvt ();
zz_ct = 0;
if (zz[zz_ct] < 0L) zc[zz_ct] = ' ';
else if (zz[zz_ct] < addr[z]) zc[zz_ct] = '!';
zc[zz_ct] = '!' + addr_ct;
addr[addr_ct] = addr[addr_ct - 1];
addr[addr_ct - 1] = zz[zz_ct];
printf (" ... detected file %d\n",
for (ct = zlen * 6; ct < tlen - 1; ct++)
if (n == 0)
if (zz[zz_ct] < 0L) zc[zz_ct] = ' ';
else if (zz[zz_ct] < addr[z]) zc[zz_ct] = '!';
zc[zz_ct] = '!' + addr_ct;
addr[addr_ct] = addr[addr_ct - 1];
addr[addr_ct - 1] = zz[zz_ct];
printf (" ... detected file %d\n", addr_ct);
else if (n == 255) { n = get_cvt (); ct++; }
n = get_cvt ();
zz_ct_i = 0;
temp_file = 1;
n = get_cvt ();
if (feof (in)) goto tn;
else if (n != 1) { errno = 2; goto error; }
else if (n == 1)
if (temp_file == 1)
save_ch = zc[zz_ct_i++];
if (save_ch == ' ') goto el;
if (save_ch > '!') goto el;
get_n (1);
zlen = get_2num ();
get_n (2);
tlen = get_2num ();
if (tlen == 0) tlen = zlen;
get_n (18);
n = get_cvt ();
for (ct = 0; ct < tlen; ct++)
if (n == 255)
{ n = get_cvt (); ct++; }
n = get_cvt ();
if (tlen != zlen)
see_ct = n;
zlen = zlen - tlen - (see_ct * 4) - 2 - 2;
get_n (1);
if (see_ct != 0)
for (ct = 0; ct < see_ct; ct++)
get_n (4);
get_n (zlen + 1);
get_n (1);
n = get_cvt ();
if (temp_file == 1 && zz_ct_i <= zz_ct) goto tn;
else { errno = 3; goto error; }
if (z < addr_ct) if (i > addr[z]) { errno = 4; goto error; }
if (z == addr_ct) if (!feof (in)) { errno = 5; goto error; }
if (temp_file == 1)
if (zz_ct_i <= zz_ct) { errno = 6; goto error; }
rewind (in); /* reset file for real reads */
/* read the header */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) n = getc (in);
fprintf (out, "!name: ");
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) if ((n = getc (in)) != 0) putc (n, out);
fprintf (out, "\r\n!credits:\r\n");
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 66; i++)
if ((n = getc (in)) != 0) putc (n, out);
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
/* read the menu sections */
i = 377; j = 0;
n = get_cvt ();
while (n == 2)
get_n (1);
get_n (2); /* len = get_2num (); */
items = get_2num ();
get_n (20);
for (ct = 1; ct < items; ct++) get_n (4);
get_n (items * 8);
fprintf (out, "\r\n!menu: ");
n = get_cvt ();
while (n != 0) { putc (n, out); n = get_cvt (); }
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
for (ct = 1; ct < items; ct++)
fprintf (out, " ");
cp = 7;
n = get_cvt ();
while (n != 0) { putc (n, out); cp++; n = get_cvt (); }
while (cp++ < 40) putc (' ', out);
fprintf (out, " %s.ngo", make_fn (j));
fprintf (bat, "ngc %s\r\n", make_fn (j));
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
get_n (1);
n = get_cvt ();
/* now < i > = the address of the byte just read into < n > = first NGO */
if (i != addr[0]) { errno = 1; goto error; }
printf ("\nNG_SPLIT detected %d + %d source files ...\n\n",
orig_addr_ct, addr_ct - orig_addr_ct);
printf (" writing batch & menu file...");
addr_ct_z = orig_addr_ct;
for (z = 1; z <= addr_ct; z++)
fclose (out);
strcpy (name_out, make_fn (name_out_j));
if ((out = fopen (name_out, "wb")) == NULL)
printf ("cannot write to '%s'\n", name_out);
goto close;
printf (" %2ld%% complete\n",
100L * (long) addr[z - 1] / (long) addr[addr_ct]);
if (z == orig_addr_ct + 1)
printf ("\n *** ADDITIONAL SOURCE FILES ***\n\n");
printf (" writing to file %8s ...", name_out);
temp_file = 0;
while (i < addr[z] && !feof (in))
/* the following pages are un-tabbed three tab stops for readability */
if (n == 0)
if ((temp = fopen ("temp", "wb")) == NULL)
printf ("cannot write to 'temp'\n");
goto close;
get_n (1);
tlen = get_2num ();
zlen = get_2num ();
get_n (20);
for (zz_ct = 0; zz_ct < zlen; zz_ct++)
{ get_n (2); zz[zz_ct] = get_4addr (); }
n = get_cvt ();
zz_ct = 0;
if (zz[zz_ct] < 0L) fprintf (temp, " short:");
else if (zz[zz_ct] < addr[z]) fprintf (temp, "!short:");
fprintf (temp, "%cshort:", '!' + addr_ct_z);
fprintf (bat, "ngc %s\r\n", make_fn (addr_ct_z));
for (ct = zlen * 6; ct < tlen - 1; ct++)
if (n == 0)
if (zz[zz_ct] < 0L)
fprintf (temp, "\r\n short:");
else if (zz[zz_ct] < addr[z])
fprintf (temp, "\r\n!short:");
fprintf (temp, "\r\n%cshort:", '!' + addr_ct_z);
fprintf (bat, "ngc %s\r\n", make_fn (addr_ct_z));
else if (n != 255) putc (n, temp);
n = get_cvt (); ct++;
while (n-- > 0) putc (' ', temp);
n = get_cvt ();
fprintf (temp, "\r\n");
fclose (temp);
if ((temp = fopen ("temp", "rb")) == NULL)
printf ("cannot read 'temp'\n");
exit (1);
temp_ch = getc (temp);
temp_file = 1;
n = get_cvt ();
if (feof (in)) goto try_next;
else if (n != 1) { errno = 2; goto error; }
else if (n == 1)
if (temp_file == 1)
save_ch = temp_ch;
temp_ch = '!';
while (temp_ch != '\r')
putc (temp_ch, out);
temp_ch = getc (temp);
temp_ch = getc (temp);
temp_ch = getc (temp);
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
if (save_ch == ' ') goto end_loop;
else if (save_ch > '!')
save_ch -= '!';
fprintf (out, "!file: %s.ngo\r\n", make_fn (save_ch));
goto end_loop;
get_n (1);
zlen = get_2num ();
get_n (2);
tlen = get_2num ();
if (tlen == 0) tlen = zlen;
get_n (18);
n = get_cvt ();
pn = 0;
for (ct = 0; ct < tlen; ct++)
if (n == 0)
if (pn == 0) putc (' ', out);
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
else if (n != 255) putc (n, out);
n = get_cvt (); ct++;
while (n-- > 0) putc (' ', out);
pn = n; n = get_cvt ();
if (tlen != zlen)
see_ct = n;
zlen = zlen - tlen - (see_ct * 4) - 2 - 2;
get_n (1);
fprintf (out, "!seealso: ");
if (see_ct != 0)
for (ct = 0; ct < see_ct; ct++)
seealso[ct] = get_4addr ();
m1 = 0;
for (m2 = addr_ct - 1; seealso[m1] < addr[m2]; m2--) ;
if (m2 < 0)
printf (" WARNING - Database error ! ...");
if (name_out_j != m2 + 1)
fprintf (out, "%s.ngo:", make_fn (m2));
fprintf (out, "\"");
n = get_cvt ();
for (ct = 0; ct < zlen; ct++)
if (n == 0)
for (m2 = addr_ct - 1;
seealso[m1] < addr[m2]; m2--) ;
fprintf (out, "\" ");
if (m2 < 0)
printf (" WARNING - ");
printf ("Database error ! ...");
if (name_out_j != m2 + 1)
fprintf (out, "%s.ngo:",
make_fn (m2));
fprintf (out, "\"");
else putc (n, out);
n = get_cvt ();
fprintf (out, "\"");
fprintf (out, "\r\n");
get_n (1);
n = get_cvt ();
if (temp_file == 1 && !feof (temp)) goto try_next;
else { errno = 3; goto error; }
/* normal tabbing resumes on this page */
if (z < addr_ct) if (i > addr[z]) { errno = 4; goto error; }
if (z == addr_ct) if (!feof (in)) { errno = 5; goto error; }
if (temp_file == 1)
if (!feof (temp)) { errno = 6; goto error; }
fclose (temp);
if (ferror (out)) { errno = 7; goto error; }
printf ("\n\nSUCCESSFUL - Created %d source files !\n", addr_ct);
goto close;
printf ("\n\nERROR %d ! ", errno);
switch (errno)
case 1: printf ("Header is ");
if (i > addr[0])
printf ("%ld bytes too long", i - addr[0]);
else printf ("%ld bytes too short", addr[0] - i);
case 2: printf ("Section # 0 is not followed by # 1 ( %d )", n);
case 3: printf ("Cannot recognize section # %d", n);
case 4: printf ("Section is ");
if (i > addr[z])
printf ("%ld bytes too long", i - addr[z]);
else printf ("%ld bytes too short", addr[z] - i);
case 5: printf ("Did not reach EOF on input database");
case 6: printf ("Did not reach EOF on 'temp' file");
case 7: printf ("Write error - possibly out of disk space");
printf ("\n\n");
printf (" Byte number = %ld\n", i);
printf (" EOF = %ld\n\n", addr[addr_ct]);
for (z = 0; z < addr_ct; z++)
printf (" addr[%d] = %ld\n", z, addr[z]);
printf ("\n");
fprintf (bat, "ngml %s\r\n", name_long);
fcloseall ();
unlink ("temp");
exit (0);